Taubman College

Taubman College students interview Flint Mayor, Dayne Walling

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Taubman College Master of Architecture students, Bruce Findling and Anthony Pins, and Bachelor of Architecture student Jennifer Komorowski, interviewed Flint Mayor Dayne Walling at the Flint Institute of Art on January 28, 2012. The students and Mayor Walling discussed Flint's economy and urban planning goals, the Mayor's business initiatives, and the impact of the auto industry, among other topics.

The interview was part of "Cultivators and Other Implements," a research workshop launched in fall 2011 and was led by Dean Monica Ponce de Leon and architecture Assistant Professor Anya Sirota. The course treats the current economic climate opportunistically in the exploration of potential collaborations, overlaps, alliances and interventions that may prove transformative beyond the statistical gauge of productivity.

To read the full interview: click here.